Validity of the ECDL Diagnostic Test
Unlike the “real” ECDL examination, the Diagnostic Test contains about twice as many questions (60 to 80), has no time limit, and provides a detailed evaluation at the end.
After passing a Diagnostic Test, the chances of passing the real examination increase considerably. That is, as long as the person taking the exam did well in the Diagnostic Test. Otherwise, the person taking the exam would definitely be able to know which areas of the subject matter they must revise.
In order to simulate the real examination as realistically as possible, you should give yourself about 60 to 90 minutes time for the Diagnostic Test. You should not use any documents or use any help from the internet. However, using integrated help functions of the office Programme is allowed. The real exam contains fewer questions, and each module takes 30 to 45 minutes time.
Anyone who is not yet sure if they would like to purchase a Diagnostic Test is recommended to try the free ECDL demo test (with approximately 5 questions). Obtain the demo test.

Blogged on 18.03.2013
By Gregor Favre
Translated by Kat Miller